Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Darn This Recession!
It was a day just like any other day at the office, kinda slow, but still enough for you to ‘look’ busy. I was scheduled to work a half of day but around noon my manager asked me to ‘take a walk’ with her. Strange, I don’t smoke and we ain’t that tight, so what kind of walk was this. As we walked down the dim aisle passing row after row of empty desks, it finally dawned on me…I was getting the B-double O-T (BOOT). We stepped into the bright office adorned with several certificates hanging from the wall with papers strolled about and the next words I heard were, ‘It was nothing you did wrong’. Fast forward one month, two unemployment checks later, and The Unemployed Recessionista was born screaming 'Darn this recession!'