Friday, June 26, 2009

Discouraged? Have a Lil’ Faith!

Right now, I am feeling so discourage!!!! After another month of applying, company prospecting, and making stellar cover letters, still nothing. To add fuel to the fire, the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, just died. Not to mention the fact that I have just turned 27 years old, and this is not where I thought that I would be at. Actually, I don’t know where I thought that I would be at, but unemployed with a leaking air conditioner in the closet wasn’t part of the dream. If all things were perfect, by this time next year I will…

o Have a job as a program assistant
o Be volunteering at a non-profit dealing with health issues and/or public health
o Build networks with successful people that will help me further my career
o Still be working at the GAP-but only to keep the discount-not as a vital form of financial support
o Be accepted into a public health graduate program
o Meet that one person that will change my life—in more ways than one.
o Be happy, enjoying life, and not living in fear!

In the bible (Mark 11:23) it talks about a person have to speak things into existence or having faith to believe that what they want will be theirs. One of my favorite verses (2 Corinthians 5:7) says to ‘Walk by Faith, not by sight’. Hopefully, God reads this blog (or even a potential employer).

*Note: This is in no way, shape, or form trying to push off my religious beliefs or views onto the intended reader of this blog.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Weekend Randomness: Color Quiz

Instead of looking for jobs, I decided to take a personality quiz on facebook. I must say that the results are shockingly true! Try it for yourself!

ColorQuiz.comKara took the free personality test!

""Is very goal oriented and driven, and does not al..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

Friday, May 29, 2009

6 Months and Counting...

It's been 6 months, 25 weeks, 181 days, 4344 hours, 260,640 minutes, or 15,638,400 seconds and counting with no job offers. This is what I have learned thus far…

1.) Networking is hard! I know that everyone says that there is an art to networking, but in all actuality, its work! Especially in this economy where everyone is trying to help themselves, their cousin, and the lady down the street.
2.) I can live off of $25 dollars worth of groceries for two weeks. When you’re down to your last $50 and its split between food and gas, you learn how to make it work and coupons become your best friend. I’ve made a game out of scouting the weekly ads and seeing how cheap you can get an item for.
3.) It isn’t me, it’s the economy. Jobs are getting scarce and competition is fierce with more companies going bankrupt. So when I don’t get a job, I don’t get too upset.
4.) I’ve finally found a career field that has great stability, growth and combines all of the things that I love to do—public health! I read somewhere that in 2020 there will be a shortage of health educators due to the rapid growth of diseases. Now all I need is a Masters in Public Health.
5.) Be grateful for what you have. Sure, times are hard for me, but there are some people who have it less than I do. I am so grateful for friends that help me out by buying me lunch, paying for my tickets to a play or show, or just being there to listen when I’m upset about not getting a job. I am too blessed to have a family that helps me when I need it. There are sometimes when I don’t have enough money for gas or to buy groceries and without me even asking they come thru.
6.) Trust me, the Lord gives you what you need, not so much what you want. I can clearly distinguish what I need, from what I want. My days of buying Dooney wristlets may be on hiatus for now, but I know that it will not last forever. Better times are ahead, I just have to be patient.
7.) You can still give when you don’t have anything. I volunteered at a non-profit for 2 months and what I learned, a university most definitely could not teach me. It’s a good feeling, you should try it sometimes.
8.) No matter how many times you proofread your resume and cover letter, you can always find room for improvement. Honestly, it’s like a compulsion to consistently change something about my resumes format, setup, or a phrase. Don’t get me started on cover letters because I spend about an hour just doing one for a job. The hardest part is coming up with the attention-grabbing sentence that will make the employer read it, but not be so far out they think you’re a quack.
9.) Someone once said ‘All adversity does is reintroduces you to yourself’-it’s a true statement. Over these past 6 months I have gotten to know myself better, got in touch with my feelings, and build stronger relationships with people, found out my likes and dislikes, and became a better person because of it.

Allow me to reintroduce myself…my name is Kara and I now have a crystal-clear picture of what I want to do with my life and what I need to do to get there. I can now answer the question of where I want to be in 5 years (job-wise) without hesitation and using vague, general statements. The things that I used to stress the most just fall by the waist side and no longer matter to me. I am not trying to keep up with the Joneses’, nor do I care what they have. I buy almost everything on sale, shop with a coupon, and I’m about 4 months behind on my water bill. I found out that the some of the worst things that could happen to anyone else are the best things that could have happened to me.

Monday, April 27, 2009

What Do You Do When Your Friend Gets Laid Off?

While prospecting some companies on, I came across this article ‘What Do You Do When Your Friend Gets Laid Off?’ For the most part, it doesn’t tell you anything that your friends could do for you that they probably aren’t already doing. But I think that they should come out with another article called ‘What Do You Do When All Your Friends Are Laid off?’ In case you haven’t watched the news lately, GM is eliminating 21,000 jobs and the Pontiac brand. Ouch!

Note to If you need someone to write the article ‘What Do You Do When All Your Friends Are Laid off?’, I'll be more than happy to write it for the low price of $379.56 or a shining letter of recommendation or a professional reference contact that will remember my name for one year and will not say ‘Kara Who?’ when one of my jobs call for a reference.

Note to GM: If you are looking for someone to help type out pink slips; shred the files of the now laid off workers; move some boxes; or drive the remaining Pontiacs across country, I’ll be more than happy to do it for the low price of $572.00, but I request payment in cash. No checks or COD’s.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Starbucks Addiction

I must admit that with the weather getting warmer, my mouth is watering for a tall, caramel frappuccino from Starbucks. But, what's an unemployed girl like me to do??? Well, I have found a sponsor for my addiction--my part-time employer! At the GAP, for every new GAP card account that you open (on certain days) you get a $5 Starbucks gift card; on other days you need to open up two cards to get the $5 Starbucks gift card.

Anywoo, ya girl had a stroke of good luck and opened up 4 new accounts in two days, and you know what that means?!?!?! Yup, $10 in Starbucks cards! This isn't only a great way to motivate me to sell the GAP card-by any means necessary-but it also puts food in my mouth and drinks in my tummy. I don't know if you've been to Starbucks in a while, but they now have breakfast sandwiches, oatmeal, and several fattening pastries and cookies. I hope that I can keep continue to get Starbucks card about once a week...if not, *sigh*, it’s back to water and homemade iced’s just not the same!

My Favorite Starbucks Things

1. Caramel Frappuccino
2. Tazo Passion Iced Tea extra sweet
3. Tazo Iced Green Tea Lemonade
4. Caramel Macchiato Stirred, with whipped cream
5. White Chocolate Mocha (hot)
6. Warmed from the oven, oatmeal raisin cookie
7. Banana-chocolate cake

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Substitute Love

While working at my part-time job, I saw this lady with this super-cute wallet. It was perfect for throwing it into a clutch. After work, I went on a search for the new love and after six stores I finally found it at Macy’s.

The Fossil Weekender Credit Card Slot was by far the cutest thing that I have ever seen in person. It was made of soft, supple leather; it came in great patterns & color combinations, and a $32 price tag. Of course my bubble burst when I saw that price tag, but I wasn’t giving up that easily. I quickly scanned the tops of the shelves hoping to find an extra percentage off or a ‘This weekend only-$10 off Fossil wallets’, but all I found was an ‘Open a Macy’s card and save 15%’. I thought about it for 20 minutes and came to the conclusion that 15% off wasn’t enough for me to buy the wallet; that’s only a savings of $4.80. What’s an unemployed recessionista to do? I went on search for a substitute love and found it!

Well, actually I found two-one at Wal-Mart and another at Target. I settled on the one from Target because it was made better and the leather was better quality. I opted for the one in yellow, and I must say that I am not the least bit disappointed with my $6.99 purchase. I lost some of the fun, retro-patterns that the Fossil wallet had, but I saved 80%. This is the only time that it’s acceptable to have a substitute love.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I'm baaaaaaaaacccckkkkkkk!

Hey Peeps! I have been gone for a minute, but now I am back again. I was hard at work looking for jobs, doing some interviews, being a lil' depressing from not getting the jobs I interview for, and dealing with some personal drama, but I am back and more committed to keeping up-to-date with my blog posting. Since my time off, I have had some time to think about some great ideas for postings and getting inspired. Be sure to check back!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Your One-Stop Media Shop

How many times have you kicked yourself for jumping the gun and buying a CD that you heard was good only to find yourself listening to it once, shoving it into the CD holder in your car, and asking yourself, ‘What the h3ll was I thinking spending $14.99 on a Piles CD during a recession?’

If you’re like me this recession has put a damper on buying some of the things that you love most , like CDs, movies, and magazines. You know the li’l luxuries that make living alone a bit more pleasant. Look no further than your local library. It’s your one-stop shop for all things media—and its free. I am fortunate enough to live near two awesome libraries. I go the library-either one or the other-just about every day for everything from using the internet to search for jobs or cop that new Estelle CD that I have requested twice already.

Most libraries you can take out books, books on CD and tape, music CDs, DVDs, and even some magazines. While you’re there you can browse your favorite magazines and papers from all over the US, get on the computers, use the free Wi-Fi, join a book club or attend one of the several programs for the young and old. The one library that I frequent has a advanced website which allows you to download books onto your IPod , MP3 player, or home computer. Just think about the money that you could be saving if you got DVDs and CDs from the library and cancelled all of your magazine subscriptions and took an hour to read the ones over in the cozy, nook in the back of the library.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Liquid Assets

Today, after I got off of my part-time job at the GAP, I decided to take a stroll up to Aerie, a sister store to American Eagle. I have one of their 'A-list' punch-cards which entitles you to a free gift every month just for showing up. Along with the free gift, they also give you a 20% off coupon for anything in the store-sale or regular priced. I just couldn't help myself; I had to buy something!!! So, I strolled though just to see if I saw anything and initially nothing jumped out at me until I went to the back of the store. They had this super cute polka-dot silver and white night shirt made of super soft cottony (<-is that a word?) material for only $14.95! After my 20% off, it would only be $11.97. After thinking about it for about 4 minutes and looking around at some camis, I just decided to get it.

While walking up to the cash wrap and getting side-tracked by some clearance undies for a moment, I had to ask myself 'Do I really need this?'. I thought about this morning and how the night shirt that I so loved for the past 10 years is going to pieces. There are multiple holes under the arms and the fabric is so worn that you can see right thru it. Not to mention, it's a little childish with the two teddy bears holding hands with the words 'Your love lifts me higher' above their heads with purple and pink hearts all around it. After I brought this new night shirt, I justified this purchase as a liquid asset-something that I can hold on to for a minute and if I don't want it or I don't wear it then I will take it back for my money. The good thing about this is Aerie doesn’t have a set amount of time for returns. If 3 months from now, I still haven't given up my ratty, 10 year old night shirt I can always take it back for my money. You never know when you might some gas for an interview, pay your Comcast bill because they shut your cable off and you cannot fathom spending a day without seeing old Martin reruns on TVOne, or have to scrape together enough money to pay Sallie Mae.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Darn This Recession!

It was a day just like any other day at the office, kinda slow, but still enough for you to ‘look’ busy. I was scheduled to work a half of day but around noon my manager asked me to ‘take a walk’ with her. Strange, I don’t smoke and we ain’t that tight, so what kind of walk was this. As we walked down the dim aisle passing row after row of empty desks, it finally dawned on me…I was getting the B-double O-T (BOOT). We stepped into the bright office adorned with several certificates hanging from the wall with papers strolled about and the next words I heard were, ‘It was nothing you did wrong’. Fast forward one month, two unemployment checks later, and The Unemployed Recessionista was born screaming 'Darn this recession!'